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Gorilla It Out

After a hand has been lost the partnership needs to find out if the hand was actually mathematically possible to win. Some hands can be quite tricky to analyze. Fortunately, there is an algorithm that will work for any hand. This is the Gorilla algorithm. To apply the algorithm to a hand is to Gorilla out the hand or to Gorilla it out.

To Gorilla out a hand each player has four areas for cards. The taker's four areas are labeled to play, played, blocked, and run. The giver's four areas are labeled to play, played, pitch, and keep,

The algorithm starts with each player's whole hand in his respective to play areas. During the first phase the team works through all four suits and moves all cards out of the to play area into one of the different areas.

For phase one, go through each suit and do the following steps:

Phase two begins when there are no remaining cards in either to play area. Phase two steps:

In phase three the partnership figures out which suit is the next suit to attack. The only way to be in phase three is if taker has cards in both run and blocked and giver has some cards in both keep and pitch. Phase three steps:

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Copyright © 2004 by Jon Hale