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Play of the Hand

There are ten tricks in each hand. For each trick taker leads a card. There are now three things that can happen.

If the team can take all ten tricks then it wins the hand. If not, then it loses.

When a player plays a card to a trick, the player does not toss the card into the center. Instead, the player holds the played card at an angle so that the partner can see it. After both have played to the trick each player places the played card face down in a pile. Each player maintains his own individual pile of cards played in the hand.

This technique facilitates post-mortem analysis of the hand (see wallow - section 2.5) because at the end of the hand each player has his cards in a pile in front of him.

Either player may ask to see the cards in a trick until the giver has played to the next trick.

Environmental factors may make it impossible for the team members to see their partner's cards. In these conditions after a card is played it is announced. To announce a card, speak the name of the card. It is very important that you not give away any information other than the card that you are announcing. Honor requires that you announce all cards in the same manner and inflection.

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Copyright © 2004 by Jon Hale