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Specific Card Probabilities

The following table tells the probability of your partner having at least one out of a group of n cards.
  Partner has:
N None 1 or more
1 0.7619 0.2381
2 0.5761 0.4239
3 0.4321 0.5679
4 0.3213 0.6787
5 0.2367 0.7633
6 0.1727 0.8273
7 0.1248 0.8752
8 0.0891 0.9109
9 0.0629 0.9371
10 0.0438 0.9562
11 0.0301 0.9699
12 0.0204 0.9796
13 0.0136 0.9864

Copyright © 2004 by Jon Hale