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Partner's Length In a Suit

The following table tells the probability of your partner having a given length in a suit when you were dealt a certain number in a suit.

You Partner has: Partner
Have 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Average
0 .01 .09 .23 .30 .24 .10 .03 3.106430
1 .02 .12 .27 .30 .20 .08 .02 2.846702
2 .03 .15 .30 .29 .17 .05 .01 2.618288
3 .04 .19 .32 .27 .13 .03 .01 2.375935
4 .06 .24 .34 .25 .09 .02   2.140906
5 .09 .29 .34 .21 .07 .01   1.908403
6 .12 .33 .34 .16 .04     1.672524
7 .17 .37 .32 .12 .02     1.441176

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