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Suit End Signal

A suit end signal is given by playing the last two cards in a suit in reversed order (low then high). The taker will give suit end signals whenever it poses no additional risk. A suit end signal is never given if the taker has the deuce in the suit. When giver sees a deuce in a suit, she knows that taker is out of that suit.

Any time taker's suit ends in two adjacent cards (above the two) taker will give the suit end signal because it risks absolutely nothing. Playing $\heartsuit$7 $\heartsuit$8 is equivalent to $\heartsuit$8 $\heartsuit$7 except that it gives partner some free information. If the taker has $\heartsuit$K $\heartsuit$8 $\heartsuit$7 and is playing the suit he should play $\heartsuit$K, $\heartsuit$7, and then $\heartsuit$8. Giver now knows that taker is playing his last heart. There is no additional risk playing $\heartsuit$7 before the $\heartsuit$8 since they touch.

When the bottom two cards of taker's suit are not touching then the suit end signal will only be given if taker is sure that giver has no cards between them. Taker knows that giver always plays the highest card possible when following suit to an ace lead and always pitches suits from the top down.

If taker has $\diamondsuit$A $\diamondsuit$K $\diamondsuit$7 and the play goes $\diamondsuit$A,$\diamondsuit$8 then taker will play $\diamondsuit$7 before $\diamondsuit$K. There can be no additional risk since giver can have no diamond above the seven.

If, however taker has $\diamondsuit$K $\diamondsuit$Q $\diamondsuit$7 and the play goes $\diamondsuit$K,$\diamondsuit$4 then taker will play $\diamondsuit$Q before $\diamondsuit$7. Giver can have cards between the seven and the queen. Giver could have been giving a warning signal (section 3.2.3).

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Copyright © 2004 by Jon Hale