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Classic Cry For Help

Frequently it is easier to tell your partner where you want pitches rather than where you do not want pitches.
$\spadesuit$ A Q 9 5
$\heartsuit$ 8 7
$\diamondsuit$ 7
$\clubsuit$ A 3 2
fig. 3

In this hand showing either the diamond singleton or the heart doubleton is kind of risky. It is better to tell the giver that pitches need to happen in clubs. That is where the classic cry for help is useful.

To give this signal play the top card of the suit needing help (clubs) in between two normal plays in the opening. In this example the sequence $\spadesuit$A $\clubsuit$A $\spadesuit$Q tells the giver that club help is needed.

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Copyright © 2004 by Jon Hale