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Singleton Signal

The singleton is a very simple signal. To show a singleton just lead the singleton first and then continue with the opening.

The sequence $\heartsuit$A $\diamondsuit$Q $\diamondsuit$10 shows that the $\heartsuit$A was a singleton. The giver will oblige by keeping all of her hearts.

This is a very simple example because there is absolutely no risk showing a stiff ace. In real life the situation gets much more complex. Some hands are so strong that you would not want to lead with a stiff king because it would cause you to lose the hand if your partner had a singleton ace in the same suit. Other hands are so weak that you would lead with a stiff three, because the only way that you are going to make the hand is if your partner has the two in the suit.

A lot of the art and skill in Gorilla is the ability to analyze a hand and figure out whether or not to use a given signal.

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Copyright © 2004 by Jon Hale