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The Deal

There are two players, the dealer and the non-dealer. They take turns dealing the hands.

If the day of the month is odd then the odd partner deals the first hand. If the day of the month is even, then the even partner deals the first hand. The odd partner is the first player in the partnership to have played Gorilla. Some days you may be very fortunate and play more than one game of Gorilla with the same partner. The same partner will deal the first hand of each game played on the same day.

The dealer shuffles the cards normally. The dealer may cut as many times as desired. The non-dealer doesn't get to cut them at all. Cutting in other games is a way to keep the dealer honest. In Gorilla, the dealer is honest! Don't even think about cheating the Fates! Gorilla is a game of honor.

The dealer deals ten cards to each person one card at a time. The Fates don't get any cards. Don't feel sorry for them though; they still manage to win more than they lose.

If a card is exposed to either partner during the deal the hand must begin again with the shuffle. It would not be fair to the Fates to do otherwise, and Gorilla is a game of honor.

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Copyright © 2004 by Jon Hale