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A doubleton is when a player has exactly two cards in a suit.
even partner:
The even partner is the partner who learned Gorilla more recently. He deals the first hand on even numbered days.
The giver is partner who is attempting to lose every trick.
odd partner:
The odd partner is the partner who learned Gorilla first. He deals the first hand on odd numbered days.
To pitch a card is to play a card not of the suit led. The giver can only do this when she has no cards in the suit led.
A team becomes responsible for the game at the point where they would have won the game if they had made each possible hand.
When a player has only one card in a suit that card is said to be a singleton.
A stiff is just another word for a singleton.
The taker is partner who is attempting to take every trick.

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Copyright © 2004 by Jon Hale