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Solid Suits

A Taker's suit is said to be solid from the top when it is impossible for him to lose any tricks if he plays it from the top down and the giver always plays her highest card. A suit that is solid from the top must include the ace. If there are two or more cards in the suit then the second card must be a queen or above. If there are three or more cards in the suit then the third card must be a ten or above. If there are four or more cards in the suit then the fourth card must be an eight or above. If there are five or more cards in the suit then the fifth card must be a six or above. If there are six or more cards in the suit then the sixth card must be a four or above.

A Giver's suit is said to be solid from the bottom when it is impossible for her to take any tricks in that suit no matter what the taker plays. This assumes that the giver will always play her highest safe card. A suit that is solid from the bottom must include the deuce. If there are two or more cards in the suit then the second lowest card must be a four or below. If there are three or more cards in the suit then the third lowest card must be a six or below. If there are four or more cards in the suit then the fourth lowest card must be an eight or below. If there are five or more cards in the suit then the fifth lowest card must be a ten or below. If there are six or more cards in the suit then the sixth lowest card must be a queen or below.

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