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All irregularities are decided in favor of the Fates.

If either player exposes one of his cards after the hands have been fully dealt then the Fates automatically win the hand There are a few exceptions to this.

If it is the turn of person who exposed the card, and the card is a legal play, and there is only a single card exposed, then the exposed card is must be played as if it was intentended.

The other exception occurs when each suit in taker's hand is safe. There are two ways in which a suit can be safe. A suit is safe if the giver is void in the suit. If a suit can be played from the top down by the taker with the giver playing her highest safe card on it until either the taker or giver goes void in the suit and at no point does the giver have a higher card in the suit than the taker's highest card then the suit is also safe.

If cards are exposed when the taker's hand is safe then the hand is made.

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Copyright © 2004 by Jon Hale