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Gorilla is a unique two person card game. The most surprising aspect of the game is that both players are on the same team. Your team will either win or lose. The opposition team (and a worthy opposition it is too, as some Gorilla teams have been known to go years without a victory) is known as the Fates.

Gorilla is a trick-taking game. During each hand ten cards are dealt to each player. One of the players will attempt to take all ten of the tricks. The other player (his partner) will attempt to take none of the tricks. A trick is taken by the highest card of the suit led.

There is no trump; you must follow suit if you are able. If you are out of the suit that is led then you may play any card.

If your team wins a hand your team gets a point. If not, then the Fates get a point. A game of Gorilla is composed of a series of hands. The first team that reaches 10 points is the winner. However, a team must win by two points. After a game is tied with eight or more points, the first team to get a two point lead wins.

Winning a hand is not an unusual event. Winning a game of Gorilla is a cause for celebration.

Like most good card games Gorilla requires a blend of skill and luck.

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Copyright © 2004 by Jon Hale